mardi 5 janvier 2010

Short sentences tell good stories.

Michelle came.
I had Christmas. It rained.
I went to Strasbourg.
Strasbourg has lots of storks.
I met French people.
French people are my friends now.
I have a Macbook Pro.
Thanks, Mom and Dad.
I am going to Nice soon.
Callie will arrive before this happens.
Callie will also be going to Nice soon.
I'm not sure she is aware of this.
Classes start in a few weeks.
It's cold.
The birds are cold.
I may go to the comic conference in Angouleme.
Comics are serious business.

1 commentaire:

  1. Jealous of Callie.
    I want to go to Nice.
    Glad you had a good Christmas.
    Mmm, peanut butter cups.
