mardi 8 décembre 2009

Oh la la !

I just got an email that I am a Glimpse finalist. To any potential readers from, might I conduct you to the post entitled An Interlude which is your official welcome onto my unofficial travel blog !

Unfortunately, I am still swamped in work, but I would like to take a brief pause to share my quote from the weekend.

"Did... did I just eat bird butter?"

Bird butter is to butter as peanut butter is to butter: it is not butter. It is, instead, a spread destined to be eaten on top of bread that consists of pulverized turkeys, ducks, and chickens. It tastes fine, but the idea is disgusting (the texture, too). However, there is an entire can of bird butter awaiting me in the fridge...

Oh joy.

I love France, guys.

2 commentaires:

  1. Apparently I'm reading this four minutes after you wrote it. Cool. Also, congrats!

  2. Oh my... that is one thing I never had to try. Please eat it up before I arrive so that I don't have to try it! ... 13 days til I leave to come find you in Franceland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
