samedi 12 septembre 2009

Saturday Shopping

It's a bright Saturday, and I'm inside, typing on one of those funky European keyboards. Fab.
Also, I'd like to introduce you to two of my favorite stores that are in the area near the programme center. At least, their names are what delight me so, as I have not entered either of the stores as a potential customer.

Je vous présente: Cuir Center !

Oh, I'm sorry, do you not know how to pronounce that? Let me help you out. Repeat after me: "Queer." Very good! The next part: "Center." Wow, you guys are fast learners! Do you think you are ready to say it all together with me? Okay, let's do it: "Queer Center!" Good job!

Now, can you guess what they sell? No, not that. No, not that either, geez! You have some mighty strange guesses! Alright, alright, I can see you have no idea. The truth is that they sell leather. Leather couches and furniture and such, but still. Cuir Center sells leather; I find this hilarious.

Oh, that other place that I like? It's called "Undiz." I think you guys can probably guess how it's pronounced, but I'll help you out, just in case. I will type slowly for those of you who have trouble with pronouncing French words. Ready? Okay, this store's name is... "Undies." Yes, undies... like those things that you are wearing under your clothes (I hope!).

What's that? You want to know what this store with the funny name sells? Well, like I said, I haven't been inside, but your guess is as good as mine if you look at a picture of the storefront:

What?! Those mannequins are practically naked!! All they're wearing is... is... underwear? Ohhhhh... suddenly, it all makes sense.

Anyway, my friend is staying over this weekend and still looking for apartments, so we've been and will continue to be taking the Metro all over Paris to see different apartments and such. It's quite fun. Also, she will be visiting us someday in Minnesota. LOOK FORWARD TO THIS!!

Iù, getting bored zith this internet cqfe noz; qnd upset zith the keyboqrd; so Iù, gonnq get going qnd Iùll try to ,qke qnother updqte on ?ondqy or Tuesdqy for you qll: Byyye111

3 commentaires:

  1. Cindy!
    I typed up this whole long comment and then I had to sign in and all this crap and now it's gone! sad.

    Anyways... the gist of it is: I love you. I miss you. Your posts are funny. I like to read them. I'm glad you're doing well. I understand your frustration with the french keyboard. Did I mention que tu me manques trop!?

    I will call you hopefully on Fri morning cuz I'll be at home briefly and can call for cheap (yay vonage)... um maybe around 8 or 8:30 my time? And I'm going to buy a calling card!

    Ok that's all I feel like retyping right now.

    A tres bientot ma fille!!!!

    Gros gros bisous!!!

  2. I'm working on internet myself. My host family has no internet, so I get on when I can find a connection that isn't secured. I start school on Monday, and when I get there and can get a solid connection, I'm starting a blogspot. I have blogs written out, I just haven't been able to post them. Seriously, Internet withdrawal is harsh.

  3. Uhmmmmmmm...your blog is in French.

    I mean, not the stuff you typed--that's all in English (for the time being). However, the website itself and all of the links on it are French.

    Callie + French = fail

    BUT despite my fear of being perceived as an 'easy' American, want to visit you. Sooo...I need to know your availability, particularly in January. Because...well...I found plane tickets for about $650...which I figure is pretty amazing...AND I WANT TO SEE YOU.

    (And France, I guess. BUT MAINLY YOU.)
