samedi 23 janvier 2010
I should update this, huh?
mardi 5 janvier 2010
Short sentences tell good stories.
I had Christmas. It rained.
I went to Strasbourg.
Strasbourg has lots of storks.
I met French people.
French people are my friends now.
I have a Macbook Pro.
Thanks, Mom and Dad.
I am going to Nice soon.
Callie will arrive before this happens.
Callie will also be going to Nice soon.
I'm not sure she is aware of this.
Classes start in a few weeks.
It's cold.
The birds are cold.
I may go to the comic conference in Angouleme.
Comics are serious business.
mardi 8 décembre 2009
Oh la la !
Unfortunately, I am still swamped in work, but I would like to take a brief pause to share my quote from the weekend.
"Did... did I just eat bird butter?"
Bird butter is to butter as peanut butter is to butter: it is not butter. It is, instead, a spread destined to be eaten on top of bread that consists of pulverized turkeys, ducks, and chickens. It tastes fine, but the idea is disgusting (the texture, too). However, there is an entire can of bird butter awaiting me in the fridge...
Oh joy.
I love France, guys.
mardi 24 novembre 2009
Living... barely
But also know that I won't be doing anything worth writing about because I am... well, busy.
I have a dissertation to write now. Goodbye!
mercredi 18 novembre 2009
lundi 16 novembre 2009
A omann gleay.
Title: "A small update"
(Translation from above follows)
So apparently, this keyboard is refusing to type correctly in the text box. I cannot fix this. So you are going to get a post in GIBBERISH. ... this is sad.
Yesterday, I walked around. A lot. More than 6 miles. I walked to the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and ended up at the Centre Georges Pompidou (the modern art museum).
I was searching. Searching for living statues.
You know the ones: they paint themselves all in silver, gold, grey, white, or black and are masters at standing perfectly still. These are my favorite performers ever, and I have yet to see one. So I was on my search, which was unfruitful in that aspect, but what did I find?
A street performer!
He drew a HUGE crowd. To say that there were 200 people is an UNDERSTATEMENT. He picked three people from the audience: a German man, a Chinese man, and a Canadian woman. He made them do improv things. Oh, it was hilarious.
And since he was performing out in the open square, people were evidently walking by him in order to go to the museum building. He ran up to one woman and pretended to karate kick her in the FACE. She was terrified! She screamed and ran, and we all laughed heartily.
Later, a woman walked through the middle of his 'stage.' He stared at her, waiting for her to pass, when suddenly, she turns around and pulls down her pants. Turns out she was crazy! He had to wrestle her back to the side of the audience and hand her off to a man in the audience, who led her away (after forcibly pulling up her pants).
Oh, Paris.
Then at the end, after his 'volunteers' (victims, rather) sat down, a tiny little girl who was probably 18 months old in a giant jacket waddled out from the crowd. He stopped. He stared. Everyone chuckled quietly. He knelt down and beckoned her over with his index finger. She slowly walked towards him, and he turned away and picked up his jacket.
Suddenly, he pulled a piece of candy out of his jacket! The little girl broke into a run, dashing towards him with grabby hands. The crowd let out a roar of laughter, and he collected spare change from everyone in a giant polka-dotted umbrella.
It was a great day.